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How Can We Control Dust Hazard?

Oct. 22, 2021

With the rapid economic development and the requirements of environmental protection, the coal, electric power, cement, chemical and other industries demand more and more granular raw materials such as coal. 

Large quantities of dust can be generated during land grading activities for commercial, industrial, or subdivision development, especially during dry, windy weather. Research at construction sites has established an average dust emission rate of 1.2 tons/acre/month for active construction. Earthmoving activities comprise the major source of construction dust emissions, but traffic and general disturbance of the soil also generate significant dust emissions. Maintain dust control measures properly through dry weather periods until all disturbed areas have been permanently stabilized. 

Micro Fog Dust Suppression Equipment

 Micro Fog Dust Suppression Equipment

In planning for dust control, it is important to schedule construction activities so that the least area of disturbed soil is exposed at one time. For disturbed areas not subject to traffic, vegetation provides the most practical and efficient means of dust control. For other areas control measures include mulching, sprinkling, spraying adhesive or calcium chloride, and wind barriers. 

Maintain dust control measures properly through dry weather periods until all disturbed areas have been permanently stabilized. Therefore, high-pressure micro-fogging and dust suppression can also be carried out in closed storage silos using a fog mist spray system.


Reducing speed

Good road drainage reduces dust. If the road surface is not well drained, puddles can form. Water causes fine particles (fines) to float up from the soil beneath the road. In traffic, water and wind disperse the fines as dirt or dust. Standing water next to the road may soak through the roadbed and cause potholes. When the fines are washed away or blown away, the larger particles are not anchored down. These larger particles are pushed to the side of the road, resulting in the need for expensive road resurfacing. If the road is treated with a dust retarder, the performance of the retarder depends on the road running and the smoothness of the driving surface.

Micro Fog Machine

 Micro Fog Machine

Reducing traffic

Vehicles travelling on unpaved roads can raise dust. Reducing the number of vehicles can reduce dust. Traffic can be reduced voluntarily; encouraging walking is one way to do this. Traffic can be reduced by limiting the weight or type of vehicle, or by restricting motorized access to dirt roads. For example, the City of Kotzebue prohibits the use of snow machines or ATVs by anyone under the age of 14 unless an adult is on the same machine.


Covering unpaved road soils with gravel

Putting gravel on muddy roads reduces dust. Gravel provides a hard surface and protects the soil from wheels. Local road maintenance specialists or ADOT contacts can provide information on effective methods for graveling roads. Gravel does not reduce the strength of the airflow caused by the vehicle itself, so traffic can still blow loose soil particles into the air. Without a good gravel road base, traffic can push surface gravel into the ground, especially if the road is wet. If the road surface does not have enough fine-grained material to bind the surface gravel in place, traffic will push the gravel out of the driving lane.

 If you want to get more information about the best fog mist spray system, welcome to contact us today or request a quote.  

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